Wednesday, November 16, 2011

rising up ...

take and bend and fake

slide-up ...yeah that's it

I'm not gonna tell

---> New Neon YouTube will have a NEW video coming soon!!
In the meantime, check out these fun artsy videos by New Neon!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Duran Duran - Girl Panic

Check out the premiere of Duran Duran's video "GIRL PANIC"

I LOVE It! So Stylishly Sexy & Fierce!

One of the many things that I've always loved about Duran Duran is that they have always managed to pull off such stylish, sexy, and sophisticated videos! This is actually my TOP favourite song off their new album All You Need Is Now.

Plus, some of my favourite Supermodels are in this video! I must add, New Neon has a song yet unreleased, called "Supermodel" about supermodels of the 80's !

 I hope they release this video on DVD! It's a must-have for New Neon's eclectic video collection.

~Harmony is in a G!RL PAN!C

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

about me - new neon

New Neon's got a cool page. Do you?
Check it out! Free!

+ new n e o n +

keep the p a s s i o n of music a l i v e

whatever your passion keep it real u n i q u e & true 2 your self

we c r e a t e from deep inside ourselves we came together 4 a reason

l o v e & passion

be li e v e

new n e o n  will continue to make music

never s t o p

f l i c k  the s w i t c h

'Like'  n e w n e O n on facebook


So Into You - DJ Jes Deep Love Remix

NEW NEON Remix City   So Into You   ðŸ‘„